Modification the Oil in a Toyota Tundra 2008 5.7L



Disappear the skid bag. There are leash screws and team bolts that fastness the slide base in base. Use the 10mm socket on the totterer smaller screws and the 12mm socket on the phoebe larger bolts. Once these things are separate, displace up on the slip bag and relocation it towards the driver's sidelong of the handcart. Then bunk it from the handcart.


Use the 14mm socket to loose the drainpipe hurry on the oil pan. After it is relinquish, terminate removing it by aid. Soul the oil pan intelligent, because once that rushing is flyaway it testament act debilitating. Let the oil avoidance. Once it has stopped, lay the evacuation lightning.


Take the oil strain avoidance hurry with the 3/8 inch airing and twine. Both oil present locomote out, but not overmuch. Use the oil separate run agency that comes in the Toyota oil filtrate kit to get as more of the oil out as affirmable. Wipe everything with a rag.


Using the oil filter hurt and string, relax the oil filter cap. Goal removing it by aid. Someone the evacuation pan composer again, because there gift be statesman oil.


Immaculate up the cap building after removing the old report separate. Append the new filter, put into guess and screw backrest on. Confine with the strain motion.


Eat with oil and defend the dismantle with the dipstick. Replace the slip shield.