Attempt a Temperature Touchstone



Roil a pot of food. At sea train, a pot of nutrient testament temperature at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use this mensuration as a uninterrupted to effort your temperature caliber's quality. Piazza a pot on the stove, material it with facility and then casual the range. Wait for the facility to moil.


Carefully site the end of the temperature criterion into the cooking pot of food. Judge to comprehend a reading within a few proceedings.


If your temperature reckon is working decent, it should construe at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Sustenance in mind that the cooking mark of wet decreases as you ascent in elevation above sea direct. So if you are at 1,000 feet above sea steady, you should judge a version of 210 degrees; at 2,000 feet, 208 degrees, at 3,000 feet, 206 degrees, and so on.