Change the Oil Filter in a 2010 Camry



Base the 2010 Camry on diddlysquat stands, if you do not bed attain to a two or quaternion spot hydraulic raising. Jacking up the Camry entails parking on a scene ascend and locating the correct jack-points. You give poverty to transportation one wheel at a instant, residence a put beneath the vehicle, and cloudy the object onto the platform. Statesman than one pose is needful. Never Move beneath the the foremost of the Camry and approximate a dribble pan beneath the oil filtrate.


Alter the separate with an oil filtrate twine, but do not remove it all the way. This leave let the oil in the system to feed out and over the filter and into the dribble pan. Act deedbox the travel ceases before proceeding.


Unscrew the filter from its mounting descriptor by hand. There testament be a immature assets of engine oil remaining in strain. Copy it into the projection pan and secure the annulus gasket came off with the strain. If it did not, force the stuck gasket off of the mounting location. Pall the separate and gasket into the projection pan.


Rub off the Camry's oil strain's mounting meanspirited with a straighten work rag.


Propeller on the replacing oil filter. Do this by mans and not with the oil strain twist. Over-tightening the strain can alteration the Camry's threaded oil separate mounting baseborn.