Tempt Up a Recitation Oil Criterion in a 95 Chevy



Consult your specific engine service manual to locate the threaded hole in the engine block used to monitor oil pressure. On many the threaded hole is located just behind the rear edge of intake manifold, in the center of the block.


Thread the engine block compression fitting into the oil pressure monitoring hole on the engine block. Insert the small oil line included in the kit, into the brass compression fitting and tighten with a small open end wrench.


Run the oil line into the creature compartment of the '95 Chevy. The line should be routed through existing holes in the firewall. Find a grommet that has enough room for the small oil line and carefully push it through.


Locate a place under the dashboard to mount the actual oil gauge, be sure that it can be easily monitored while driving. Drill two small holes to mount the face plate under the dash, insert the screws included in the kit and secure the oil gauge face plate to the lower dashboard.


Run the oil line that was routed through an existing grommet through the back of the hole in the oil gauge face plate. Cut the line if needed and Insert the oil line into the back of the oil gauge compression fitting. Tighten the oil gauge compression fitting with a small open end wrench. Place the gauge into the face plate and attach the rear gauge clamp bracket to secure the gauge into the face plate.


Run the small wire for the gauge light to the fuse box located below the drivers side dashboard. Turn the key on. Use a DC test light to check for power in one of the fuse boxes accessory spades. Turn the key on and off to be sure the spade to be used cuts power when the engine is turned off. Attach the proper size wire end that will connect to the fuse box spade and wire.


Tie the oil pressure line and gauge light wire to brackets or large wire looms under the dash using plastic tie straps. Turn the key on and the gauge light should light illuminate the gauge. Start the car and check the fittings for leaks. The oil pressure gauge should show oil pressure.