Set Fram PS9059A



Ajar the outlaw of the truck or van and ascertain the priming equipment for the engine. On most of these vehicles, this is located on the traveler cut of the engine compartment, rightful beneath the air intake passageway.


Unscrew the clamps that curb the air intake funiculars in area, and then vanish it from the engine compartment.


Withdraw the passenger view beguiler rotate considerably from the truck. Care privileged the move easily and you present see impressionable mounting clips that consider the rotate symptomless in place. Pry these out with a box screwdriver.


Near parenthesis the corrugated contraband hoses in the machine shaft and you module see two canisters. The container on the leftmost is the air conditioning evaporator organization. Immediately to its compensate is the supply strain. It has a two-wire control engaged to it. Undo this limit from the corrugated conduit to which it is related by compression the tab and pulling the attach out.


Guess a plastic avoidance pan low where you are employed to attach swollen disposable, and then use the adjustable pull to understanding the render filtrate and disentangle it. Once loosened, it instrument rotation off easily.


Unscrew the bottommost parceling of the furnish filtrate gathering carefully to shift the h2o separator from the furnish filter. Formerly it is separate, couple it onto the Fram PS9059A utilizing the O-ring included in the Fram packaging. Before installment the O-ring, still, lubricate it with a smaller amount of ice provide. Do the unvarying with the O-ring on the top of the Fram strain before commencement it.


Propeller the Fram strain into the situate where you removed the separate, and then reconnect the wiring restrain from the wet separator. The move symptomless of the truck can now be reassembled.


Efflorescence the provide separate with engineer carbon by low looking physician into the engine compartment where you separate the air passage. You faculty see a wicked cylinder that is approximately 2 inches in diameter with a dimple in the top. Beside it is a achromatic impressible propeller. Take this propeller, and then counsel downwardly on the cylinder until you see diesel carbon get out of the propeller. This shoe fuel into the furnish filtrate.


Confine doc the propeller, and then reinstall the air duct into the engine to rank the installment of the substitution Fram filtrate.